Resolution No. 0002/2022 on periods of isolation for people who test positive for Covid-19
Last Friday, January 7, the Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance (MISPAS), issued resolution No. 0002/2022, through which it modified the isolation mechanism for people who obtain positive results for Covid-19, which had been established by resolution no. 00004, dated January fifteen (15) of the year two thousand and twenty-one (2021).
By means of this resolution, it was established that when a person obtains a positive result for Covid-19, and is asymptomatic or needs outpatient treatment, they must remain in isolation for a period of seven (7) days, counting from the date he obtained the positive result and without the need to obtain a medical license. After this period has elapsed, you must return to your daily tasks without the need for a negative Covid-19 test
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Boletín sobre la resolución 0002_2022